
social media ads Saudi Arabia

In the past decade, Social Media Marketing in Saudi Arabia has grown in power and has changed the way services and products are advertised. Social ads are now one of the quickest and most effective ways to connect with our target audience.

Most social platforms have a paid advertising option, with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn being the leading platform giants right now.

If you are a business that does not currently advertise on either of these platforms, it would be beneficial for you to research or speak to our dedicated social media team about the benefits of advertising through these channels. You will gain some incredible insight into what it can do for your business return and growth.

After an informal chat, we would have a more thorough consultation with you where we would discuss your industry, investments, business objectives and future plans. This way, we can develop an in-depth understanding of your business and match up the right social advertising platform to your brand.

Facebook is considered to be the go-to, all-round advertising channel with high versatility suited if you are wanting to target a range of generations. However, if you have a bigger budget and your main target audience is commercial rather than domestic, Linkedin may be a more suitable option as it can provide you with more relevant traction and a greater return-on-investment. Twitter, on the other hand, is more fast-paced than other channels and typically attracts a younger audience, so a more innocent and youthful brand may benefit greatly from this platform as opposed to the more sophisticated, adult-based LinkedIn.

In terms of precision and detail, there are enormous amounts of data on social media platforms which makes this one of the best forms of advertisement for demographic targeting and conversion tracking.

Imagine this example on the left as an advert on the TV – social media adverts have exactly the same impact on an audience, however the key difference separating social from offline methods is the vast amount of data you receive online. This gives you significantly more power over who should see your adverts, when and where they see them, as well how many times. (Not to mention, it’s a much cheaper alternative!)

“Social Media in Saudi Arabia has grown in power and has changed the way services and products are advertised”

Social Media Platforms


At edirect, we’re always seeking fresh, creative ways to help businesses around the globe to achieve their objectives, whether that be to increase brand awareness, drive greater traffic to the website, encourage sign ups, and ultimately, boost sales through the roof!

With two billion people using Facebook every month, no matter what demographic of audience you want to reach, you’ll be sure to find them on this platform. Therefore, it is an ideal choice for those wanting to reach a broad range of people or for those new to business advertising and wanting to test the waters.

Ads are flexible and versatile enough to work across any device regardless of connection speed – they appear within the news feed on both desktop and mobile devices as well as in the right-hand colum on desktops. Therefore, the potential reach is maximised.

Plus, you can easily monitor the results of these ads with high level ad reporting tools at your disposal.

At edirect, we can get you up and running with Facebook advertising super fast and help grow your business return.

If you feel that your Middle East business could benefit from advertising through Facebook, give our social media team a call today on +966 11 261 1594.


With 800 million monthly active users, 60% of whom are under 30, Instagram is a massive platform for your brand if you are wanting to target a large number of people in the younger generations.

Because of how popular this visual platform is right now in young adults, putting money behind promotional content on here is essential to breaking through the noise. It will be worth your while if you are targeting users falling in the younger age ranges – In March 2017, over 120 million Instagram users visited a website or contacted the company through email, directly based on an Instagram ad they’d seen and been inspired by.

In this era, more than two million companies have jumped on board to use Instagram ads to reach audiences, engage followers, and promote their products. If you feel your company is ready to join the breakout star of the family and start leading the way in your industry, then get in touch today on +966 11 261 1594.


With Twitter ads, you can get more likes, amplify your message, and get more people talking about your brand with immediate effect.

Furthemore, on this platform, you have no minimum budget. Rather, you only pay for the specific results you need, whether that be new account followers, getting more retweets and likes on your published content, or sending traffic to your website. This way, you don’t necessarily have to work on stuck prices, you are modifying it according to your current business needs.

We know all businesses are unique in the type of audience they target. For this reason, the platform has robust targeting, allowing you to get your business in front of the right audience however specific you need this to be. There are options for language targeting, gender targeting, and you can narrow things down even further with interest and behaviour targeting based on users’ shopping and spending patterns.

It also has high-level analytic tools to monitor cost-per-result and online conversions so that you can strategically adapt your content based on what is doing well on a quantitative basis and what isn’t.

Get started with Twitter ads today by giving us a direct call on +966 11 261 1594.


You can also grow your business with targeted ads on LinkedIn, the world’s most viewed professional news feed. This is a good platform if you want to start generating awareness and high-end leads in minutes.

What makes this platform unique is that it is more business-orientated than the others. It would be suited if you are wanting to target a quality audience in a professional context in order to market towards business executives and decision makers. For instance, you would target job titles, functions, superiority, and industry of work as opposed to personal interests outside of work.

Sponsored ads are highly visible to targeted audiences on desktop, mobile, and tablet, making this a highly versatile platform.

At edirect, we can get you up and running with LinkedIn advertising very quickly and get those leads pouring in!

If you feel that you could benefit from advertising through LinkedIn, give our Saudi Arabian social media team a call today on +966 11 261 1594.

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