
seo process

With any type of marketing campaign it is important that it is structured and directed at the correct audience. Your target audience within an E Commerce SEO campaign will need to be considered within keyword research, content creation, and social promotion and back linking.

Identify the target market

When establishing a business, it’s not simply enough to make your products available and to drive traffic to your website; you must identify your target audience. At edirect, we can help by identifying your target market and ensuring that the people coming to your site are interested in what you have to offer.

Through a combination of lead generation tools, traffic metric tools and insights, we consider demographics, evaluate what your competitors are doing and research your customers to understand their motivations better. We then use this information to coordinate your marketing strategy in a way that is both efficient and effective.

“All SEO services are conducted in house, copy writing is also provided.”

The core of any SEO campaign, keyword research is especially important for E Commerce sites. Due to the sheer size and volume of E Commerce sites, it is key to ensure that you do not only have clear target keywords, but you also have a clear strategy of how these will be implemented.

Are you targeting Product names or generic terms?

For different product types the search method of users varies. Users could be searching for:

  • Type of product i.e shoes
  • Type of product with specific variables i.e. black trainers
  • Type of product with brand i.e. Nike trainers
  • Specific product model i.e. Nike Internationalist Trainers

To ensure the campaign is as efficient as possible, it is essential that during the planning stage it is established what is the best type of search to target, based on search volumes and competition levels.

This will allow the SEO to be focused on the areas of the site that will benefit most from the search terms, using the examples above:

  • The home page/site wide should be used to target the “shoes” keyword
  • The category pages or search results pages should be used to target brand terms like “Nike trainers” and “black trainers”
  • The individual product pages should be used to target terms like ” Nike Internationalist Trainers”

Get the targeting right from the start and it can bring you results much faster.

As opposed to regular business websites, designing an E-Commerce website store is far more complex in its structure and needs to be treated as such.

The basic structure consists of 3 levels:

  • Home page – your main top level page that will start most customer’s journeys
  • Category pages – A list of products in a particular category
  • Product pages – A page displaying individual products

With the additional page types of:

  • Content pages – Pages separate to your shop system that are designed to provide visitors with necessary information
  • Blog posts – Articles designed to inform and expand your customer community.

New E Commerce sites

If you are considering a brand new E Commerce build, at edirect we work with a number of open source platforms as well as our own exclusive E Commerce software. Each platform we operate in offer specific benefits depending on the short and long time requirements of you E Commerce store:


This is a very expansive platform that can support any type of store, allowing for the most intricate requirements, we have found from all angles, user experience, marketing, site structure and more, that it is incredibly rare that we have an online store request that our Magento Ecommerce Development team cannot fulfil.

Woo commerce

This platform is built in conjunction with WordPress and we have found that it is most ideal for smaller stores. This inherits all of the very powerful SEO benefits of WordPress.

Presta Shop

This would be for our next level stores and includes many more available extensions that provide some quite advanced SEO and marketing solutions.

edirect Link platform

We use this platform for the very bespoke projects, in situations where your requirements are beyond that of open source platforms, our own system can deliver anything you need.

Read more about edirect E Commerce website development

The category levels need to be carefully considered to:

  • Ensure easy usability
  • Target necessary keywords

It is important to strike a balance between these 2 points as one occasionally contradicts the other. We will help you create a balanced structure that works well for both.

How can this be reduced?

In many E Commerce sites there are so many variations of an individual product that sub categories can sometimes reach 4,5,6 levels deep, this is a very poor user experience and not ideal for Google indexing these pages. So methods can be taken by using filters and search functions to improve user experience whilst still creating keyword targeted pages.

Site Speed

E commerce sites need to run a large No of processes and the majority of stores have a very large amount of pages, content, multimedia and visitors compared to traditional types of websites. All of this means that many E Commerce stores are prone to very slow load times. By analysing the processes in detail and applying optimisations where necessary as well as providing the site with the best suited server environment, we would confidently say that we could ensure that any E Commerce store is fast loading.

Detecting site errors

Most E Commerce stores have page volumes in the thousands, this can be very hard to keep track of when it comes to ensuring there are no broken links, display errors, blank pages or other errors, these can be frustrating for users and damaging to search rankings. edirect are able to use various software to monitor and fix errors within your site.

How can we help?