
display network

Entice new customers with visually appealing ads on the Google Display Network. Here, you can advertise in a multitude of fascinating formats and sizes with powerful text ads, static and animated images, rich media and captivating video ads. Let edirect PPC agency Saudi Arabia show you how.

On the Google Display Network, your ads can be placed on a whole host of new sites, blogs and many other niche corners of the internet.

Reach the people who you care about the most at the right place and time.

Display advertising lets you:

  • Create all kinds of ads from text to images to interactive videos.
  • Place those ads exactly where they need to be, on websites relevant to your product.
  • Show those ads to audiences who are most likely to be interested.

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“Create, Monitor, Optimise, our campaigns are designed to drive new conversions.”

According to Google, the Display Network reaches over 90% of global internet users expanding across 2 million sites.

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Responsive Display Advertising

Brought in by Google Summer 2018 as the new default ad type on the Display Network, these image ads are asset-based. Google automatically adjusts their size, appearance and format to fit available ad spaces. With the assets you input, such as logos, headlines, images and descriptions, Google automatically generates your ad as an ad space becomes available. It then uses the resources which you uploaded to optimise for the best performance. Responsive display ads can show almost any size text, image, or original format. These types of ads on the Display Network have a greater reach for customers and create more opportunities for conversions.

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Targeting on the Display Network

There are lots of different ways to target on the Google Display Network, but each targeting method effectively falls into two categories:

  • Website-based targets: They target a set of websites, based on a criteria and show ads to all users on those sites.
  • User-based targets: Target a set of users, based on a criteria, and shows them ads on all sites they visit on the Google Display Network.

To list a few different targeting methods:

Managed Placements – The most direct way to target a website, this requires choosing certain websites/pages that you want your ads to show on.

Topic Targeting – This allows you to target all sites and pages about a certain pre-defined topic. Topic targeting allows advertisers to reach a wider audience than they can reach with managed placements.

Keyword Contextual Targeting – This is similar to topic targeting, but less restrictive. By just creating a list of keywords, your ads will be matched to a page that has similar content.

In-Market Audiences – This shows your ads to users whose search and internet browsing behaviour indicates that they may be “in market” for a certain product or service. In market audience targeting works best for products or services that have longer buying and researching cycles.

Affinity Targeting – This matches your ads to users who regularly visit sites of the same topic.

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